For Tomorrow’s Fish:  Anglers Are The Key to Climate-Resilient Fisheries 

         Written by anglers, for anglers, For Tomorrow’s Fish: Anglers Are The Key to Climate-Resilient Fisheries (FTF) is more than a white paper. It is a call to arms for an angler-led revolution in which conservation-minded anglers are educated, motivated, and enabled to demand progress toward healthy and abundant marine fisheries in the face of the impacts of our changing climate.

Calling For A Break From Status Quo

FTF calls upon the more than 29 million licensed anglers of the U.S. in clear language, supported by a multi-media content campaign and meaningful personal testimonies to motivate and enable angler advocacy to demand policy that co-stewards fish abundance, habitat, and coastal communities.

A Guide For Action

Throughout history, anglers have been the vanguard of conservation for our fisheries. FTF champions these occasions and identifies crucial opportunities for anglers, whether first-time advocates or seasoned veterans, to unlock the angler and fishing industry's latent political and social power.

FTF Calls To Action

  • Advocate for Climate-Resilient Fisheries

  • Encourage personal and community action to drive progress toward more resilient fishery practices and policies.

  • Community Involvement and Education

  • Promote angler participation in local conservation efforts and educational programs to foster a greater understanding of climate impacts on fisheries.

  • Promotion of Sustainable Practices

  • Support and adopt fishing practices that contribute to the health and longevity of fisheries.


Angler Profiles

Learn more about anglers who are on the water making a difference fighting for Tomorrow’s fish. Read the angler profiles